With an active user base of more than 62 millions, Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps out there. It might not be as mighty as whatsapp or FB messenger but according to global web index, 89% of Telegram’s active users are willing to transfer money via Telegram. This is way more than apps such as Messenger, Snapchat, and WhatsApp with 46%, 46% and 58% respectively. No wonder telegram decided to release its bot development API for developers.Telegram is a potential platform where AI based bots can offer and lot and create great customer experiences.
Telegram bot development can be rewarding in many ways
Large user base in millionsTelegram has high MAU and high retentionGrowing popularity across the globe can provide a substantial platform for botsTelegram bot developers can make bots for customized notification and newsTelegram bots have custom keyboards, inline mode and other exciting featuresComes with three global commands to make interactions easier with your usersTelegram bots can be integrated with other services such as Youtube bot, IMDB bot etc.You can build a myriad of social services as bots within TelegramInteraction with your brand is possible irrespective of time-zones or location of the user(s)You may save some money you might otherwise spend on CRMCustomized Telegram bots are interesting. You can make a branding tool out of them
The Telegram bot development process
The telegram bot development process is pretty simple and our developers are familiar with it. Telegram has its own bot development API which is an HTTP-based interface for bot developers. Developers need to generate a token once the bot is created. The token serves as a unique code for identifying a specific bot.