5 minute! Install laravel on windows 10

5 minute! Install laravel on windows 10


Installing laravel 5.5

Laravel is a rapid web application development designed for Web artisans.

Since I’m using Windows so I’ll go with Laragon.

What is laragon?

Super fast, easy-to-use, productive and powerful development environment for all.

Laragon has an isolated environment with OS and offers everything you need to build modern web apps. It is portable and very flexible. You can move Laragon folder around (to another disks, to another laptops, sync to Cloud,...) and Laragon's magics are with you.

Working Laragon will be a pleasure, as Apache + Nginx are fully-managed.

Why Laragon?

I love laragon personally because you'll not face all the troubles of installing composer and setting the link of it from your my computer options etc.

You simply install the laragon software then choose what CMS or framework you'd like to install and that would be it! as simple as that.

Now lets go to Laragon website and download suitable version for your system.

After download and install laragon on your system, open laragon and click on Start All button.

Now your server in runing.

Next step:  right click anywhere of laragon and select Quick create .

Below Quick create option there is some CMS/frameworks ready for you such as Joomla WordPress Prestashop Drupal Laravel etc.

For our tutorial we are going to select Laravel.

After selecting Laravel pop up will open for you and asks you for your project name, this name could be anything you like.

Note: This name also will be your website link on localhost. (I use tjdstudio)

Process could take a while depend on your internet speed.

After process completed you'll see success message and line above that your access link, in my project my link is http://tjdstudio.dev

And that's all you need to install laravel on your windows system. In next post we are going to build our application and make something meaningful of it.

Make sure you'll follow our Telegram Channel for updates.

- Last updated 4 years ago


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